
Press Contact

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After entering the required items, please proceed to the content confirmation screen.

  • *We endeavor to respond promptly, but there may be times when it takes longer or we are unable to provide a response due to certain circumstances.
  • *Please understand that we cannot reply if the email address provided by the customer is incorrect.

Fields marked with Required are required.

What is your inquiry regarding?Required

Please note that we do not accept inquiries about accommodation reservations through this form, and we will not be able to respond to submissions sent here.
For inquiries about accommodation reservations or facilities, please call the phone number listed on the official site of each hotel.

*For new management proposals or introductions to real estate information for accommodation facilities, please make your inquiries here.

We will review your inquiry with the relevant department and contact you if necessary.
Please be aware that there may be cases where we cannot provide a response.


First Name

 Last Name

Company or Organization Name
Email AddressRequired

Please enter the information again for confirmation.


*Half-width alphanumeric characters only

Phone Number - -

*half-width alphanumeric characters

Inquiry DetailsRequired

*Up to 1000 characters

Regarding the Handling of Personal Information

Before making an inquiry, please read the 'Privacy Policy'
carefully and proceed to the 'Confirmation of Input Information' only if you agree.